First + Second Floor, Wing 4, St Catherine's Health Centre, Church Road, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH42 0LQ
Telephone: 0151 643 6700
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Spring Newsletter PATCHS Survey Results PATCHS Support Video Surgery Closure Dates Winter Newsletter Latest Surgery Newsletter NHS 111 offering crisis mental health support for the first time Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine HPV Vaccine For Children Aged 12-13 The HIPPOCRATES Prospective Observational Study Changes To The Appointment System Newsletter
You can tell us which pharmacy you would like your medication to go to, or you can ask your chosen pharmacy to nominate you. If you want to change your nominated pharmacy please let us know when ordering your medication.
As you can request your medication up to 7 days before running out we hope that you should not find yourself in this situation. However, if you have run out or have less than two working days supply remaining then we as your Surgery will try to help where we can, but due to the volume of medication requests we receive daily it is highly probable you may still have to wait.
If your medication is on the NHS urgent list (please see below) and you have clearly marked your request as URGENT then we will endeavour to issue the relevant medication within one working day. Should we not be able to do due to your request coming in late in the day or close to the weekend then we would advise you contact NHS 111 to discuss your request.
There are certain medications that you may take or use on an ‘as and when needed’ basis. This can mean they move into your past medication list on our records. Please still request using one of the methods above BUT include the reason why you need the medication at this time. We will then send your request onto the GP and await their decision. We will always contact you should there be an issue.
Medication queries can be discussed with our Medicines Management Team by calling us on 0151 643 6700
Prescriptions for the contraceptive pill, and pill checks are now available from your local pharmacy by contacting the pharmacy directly to book an appointment. If you are a female aged between 18-45 and needing a repeat prescription, please see the link below for information on participating pharmacies to contact regarding your prescription. This service is not suitable for women who want to start the pill or have had a long break and want to restart.
For women that fall into the criteria below your local pharmacy can provide treatment for simple UTI’s
For all other suspected UTI’s please submit an appointment request via PATCHS