St Catherine's Surgery

First + Second Floor, Wing 4, St Catherine's Health Centre, Church Road, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH42 0LQ

Telephone: 0151 643 6700

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PATCHS Survey Results



We would like to thank patients who completed our PATCHS questionnaire in October 2024; we value your feedback which has helped us to review and improve our access.

We are also pleased to note the results demonstrate a clear improvement since our initial survey in April 2024, but we know there is still work to do………

PATCHS Questionnaire Responses

Question 1 – How have you found the process for booking an appointment since we changed the system in October 2023?

Better – 473 (59.35%)

Worse – 324 (40.65%)                  

Question 2 – Did you get the outcome you hoped for when using PATCHS?

Yes – 501 (62.86%)

No – 296 (37.14%)

Question 3 – Do you agree that PATCHS is a more convenient way to request an appointment?

Yes – 449 (56.34%)

No – 348 (43.66%)

Question 4 – Would you agree that since we introduced the new appointment system, it has reduced the waiting time to contact the practice on the phone?

Yes – 518 (64.99%)

No – 279 (35.01%)

Question 5 – Do you find PATCHS user friendly? 

Yes – 449 (56.34%)

No – 348 (43.66%)

Question 6 – Do you find our new website useful and easy to navigate? 

Yes – 472 (59.22%)

No – 325 (40.78%)

We’ve identified some common themes from your feedback, and created the attached Question and Answer template which we will update on a regular basis


PATCHS Question & Answer Template

  1. I am struggling to log on to PATCHS If you are struggling to create an account or to log in to your account, we have created a step-by-step instruction on our website which will hopefully help. Please visit  If you find that you still need help, we are happy to help you over the phone or at the reception desk.
  2. I never get to speak to a doctor, it’s always the receptionist Our receptionists are trained in care navigation, you may receive a message from them if it is appropriate to navigate you to a local service for treatment or advice. Requests to see a clinician are reviewed by a GP and an appointment will be booked when clinically appropriate. Alternatively, the GP may communicate directly with you via PATCHS if they need more information, or if your problem doesn’t require an appointment.
  1. Older patients can find it difficult to understand or learn how to use PATCHS If anyone is struggling to use PATCHS, we are here to help, either on the telephone or at the front desk. We have also created a video on our website that explains the process step by step. If you can’t use it, our receptionists can help you to set up your account or complete the PATCHS on your behalf if needed. Completing a PATCHS request on your behalf over the telephone or at the front desk can be time consuming and may not be convenient for you, which is why we encourage you to complete the request yourself, where possible.
  1. Is my personal data protected? Personal data entered onto PATCHS is secure in the same way as any other clinical system used in NHS.
  1. I am concerned that the advice given was not suitable for my condition, and it is hard to explain the problem in PATCHS  GP’s use the information you provide to triage your request and provide the appropriate advice or appointment. This is why we ask patients to include as much information as possible in their request. If you are ever concerned that your request has been misunderstood, please call us and our receptionists can help clarify and re-send to the GP if necessary.
  1. I prefer speaking to a human rather than an online form and I think this is quicker PATCHS is designed to collect the information needed to effectively triage all appointment requests. If an appointment is deemed clinically appropriate, you will receive an appointment or signposted to a more appropriate service. Triaging appointments in this way ensures appointments are appropriate and reduces waiting times for routine appointments.
  1. Submitting a PATCHS request is a lengthy process We understand that you may feel that it takes time to complete a PATCHS request properly but the more information you provide the easier it will be to triage your request appropriately. You may be asked to complete a questionnaire, if your request relates to certain condition such as back pain/rash etc.  Again, completing the questionnaire helps the GP understand the problem and assess the best course of action. We have received positive feedback from patients about PATCHS including; the convenience, that it’s user-friendly, it facilitates a quick response from the practice and, where appropriate, results in a same day appointment.