First + Second Floor, Wing 4, St Catherine's Health Centre, Church Road, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH42 0LQ
Telephone: 0151 643 6700
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Spring Newsletter PATCHS Survey Results PATCHS Support Video Surgery Closure Dates Winter Newsletter Latest Surgery Newsletter NHS 111 offering crisis mental health support for the first time Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine HPV Vaccine For Children Aged 12-13 The HIPPOCRATES Prospective Observational Study Changes To The Appointment System Newsletter
Unfortunately we do not offer a ‘drop in’ service so please contact us during our opening hours to discuss your request for a Nurse appointment. These appointments can be booked over the phone and do not require a PATCHS request to be submitted.
Our Nursing team consists of Practice Nurses, Health Care Assistants and Phlebotomists who are available for pre-booked appointments only. They will take care of your annual reviews for chronic conditions such as those listed below.
The list above is an example and not exhaustive. We usually try to bring you into clinic for your health review in line with your birth month. Please contact us during our opening hours if you feel your condition needs urgent attention – DON’T wait for your annual review.
If you are one of our patients who have an asthma diagnosis and attends a yearly review with our specialist nurse we may ask you to complete the form below and then send it onto us.
Our Nursing Team also conduct routine screening as below
Again this list above is not exhaustive and will be offered to patients who fit the current NHS criteria.
(If we are unable to offer a suitable Nurse appointment in time for your removal of stitches please can we advise that this service is also offered by our Walk In Centres please click here for more information on their opening times and locations.)
Are available upon request.
We hope you understand that to manage the high demand for our services it is imperative that we use all of our appointment options effectively and efficiently. To help us with this we would ask that you please cancel any appointment you no longer need with as much notice as possible. Regrettably, patients who consistently fail to attend may be removed from our practice list. Appointments can be cancelled by replying to your text reminder, on your NHS app or by calling us.