St Catherine's Surgery

First + Second Floor, Wing 4, St Catherine's Health Centre, Church Road, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH42 0LQ

Telephone: 0151 643 6700

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Domestic Abuse

Social services

Domestic abuse, also called domestic violence, includes physical, emotional and sexual abuse between those who are or have been intimate partners or between family members. Domestic abuse can happen against anyone regardless of gender or sexuality. It can take many forms and includes single incidents of abuse as well as patterns of abuse such as coercive, controlling and threatening behaviours.

For more information on the signs of domestic abuse and how to find support please see

If you are experiencing domestic abuse and are at risk of harm from intimate partners, ex-partners or family members, you can talk about this to a professional who can offer support.

We would encourage you to find support through the following:

  • Speaking to your GP or another healthcare professional
  • Visiting for signposting and information on how to get support for yourself or a loved one in Wirral
  • Contacting the Wirral Family Safety Unit on 0151 666 4914 and speaking to an Independent Domestic Violence Advocate (IDVA) for advice and guidance. For more information please see
  • You can access immediate help from some local pharmacies and jobcentres who provide Safe Spaces for victims of domestic abuse. The ‘Ask for ANI’ (Action Needed Immediately) scheme provides a safe and discrete way for victims to request a Safe Space using the codeword ANI. This service is available in all locations displaying the ANI hand symbol and can be accessed by asking a staff member if you can ‘speak to ANI’. You will then be taken to a private space where a trained member of staff can support you. To find your nearest participating pharmacy or jobcentre click here
  • If you are in immediate danger call the police on 999
