St Catherine's Surgery

First + Second Floor, Wing 4, St Catherine's Health Centre, Church Road, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH42 0LQ

Telephone: 0151 643 6700

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A Carer is someone of any age who provides unpaid, necessary care on a regular basis for a relative, partner or friend who could not manage without this help. This care could be for someone who is ill, frail, or has a disability.

If you are a carer as defined above then please make sure we know here at your Surgery. This will enable us to make sure that we offer our services appropriately to your needs. Please click here  to tell us that you are a carer.

Please click below to see our Carers Policy.

Carers policy

If you are over 18 and providing unpaid care for someone to help them live at home, you have a right to a carers assessment. You can request an assessment or find out more information by clicking this link

You may already be aware but there are lots of support services across Wirral for Carers and we have detailed a few below:-

Wired 0151 670 0777

NHS guidance and link

Crossroads Together 0333 323 1990

Wirral Age UK 0151 482 3456


Young Carers

If you are under 18 years old and have caring responsibilities you are classed as a young carer. There is help and support available for you and your family. You can access support and self refer to Barnardos by following this link: