First + Second Floor, Wing 4, St Catherine's Health Centre, Church Road, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH42 0LQ
Telephone: 0151 643 6700
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Spring Newsletter PATCHS Survey Results PATCHS Support Video Surgery Closure Dates Winter Newsletter Latest Surgery Newsletter NHS 111 offering crisis mental health support for the first time Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine HPV Vaccine For Children Aged 12-13 The HIPPOCRATES Prospective Observational Study Changes To The Appointment System Newsletter
We understand that there maybe occasion when your GP appointment needs to be carried out in your own home. This decision can be based on your permanent circumstances where we know you that you are unable to leave your home for any reason other than a hospital attendance or a temporary decision made by the GP based on your specific health needs at the time of requesting an appointment.
To help us ensure that we can facilitate a home visit request we ask that you submit your PATCHS appointment request before 12 noon BUT as early in the morning as possible. Your GP will then triage your request and decide on the best treatment options and whether they feel we need to see you in Surgery due to our superior on site examination and investigation facilities.