First + Second Floor, Wing 4, St Catherine's Health Centre, Church Road, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH42 0LQ
Telephone: 0151 643 6700
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Dr Richards, MBChB Liverpool 1992 DRCOG , MRCGP
Dr Richards completed further training in general medicine and obstetrics and gynaecology at Arrowe Park Hospital and as a GP in West Kirby/Meols. He spent six months working in Alder Hey Accident & Emergency Department before joining Dr Hedges in 1996.
Dr Julie Harrand, MBChB Leicester 1990 MRCP, MRCGP
Dr Harrand specialised in hospital medicine for two years after qualifying before coming to the Wirral in 1994. Whilst training in General Practice she also spent time at Clatterbridge Centre for Oncology and working as a doctor in Australia and New Zealand, before joining Dr Dow in 1999.
Dr Debra Roberts, MBChB Liverpool 1995, BSc (pharm), MRCGP, FRCGP
Dr Roberts trained in Liverpool and specialised in general medicine until she changed career to become a GP . She has extended training in family planning and provides services such as coil fitting . She has an interest in education and is a GP trainer for GP specialist trainees. She has recently been appointed as an Associate Dean for Health Education North West to oversee GP training in Merseyside.
First registered 1997 Dr Kapoor graduated from Manchester Medical School 1997. She did a 3 Year GP rotation including jobs in A+E, Paediatrics and Obstetrics & Gynaecology in south Manchester. Dr Kapoor worked as a locum GP in Manchester for 1 year and for 3 years in Liverpool before moving to the Wirral in 2006. She has been a partner since 2010 and is a GP trainer. Dr Kapoor has interests in family planning and child health.
Dr Victoria Hughes, MBChB, MRCGP, DRCOG
First registered 2006.
First Registered 2008 Dr Towersey trained in Sheffield and London. She then worked as a GP in Liverpool and West Kirby before joining Victoria Park Practice in 2014.
Dr Caroline Prior, MBChB (Liverpool 2000), MRCS, MRCGP, MD, DRCOG, DFSRH, DGM.
Dr Prior trained in Liverpool and specialised initially in General Surgery - working throughout the Merseyside region (plus a short stint in New Zealand) until she changed career to become a GP. Having worked as a registrar during her training at St Catherine’s Surgery she has continued working here as GP since qualifying, then later becoming a GP Partner in March 2022.
Dr Nicola Dennis, MBBS 1999 MRCGP
Dr Dennis trained in London then did a 2 year medical rotation at the Royal Liverpool Hospital. She started work in General Practice in 2003 and worked at Greenway Road Surgery for a period of 6 months in 2005. She has also worked at a Practice in Bootle, before returning to work at Greenway Surgery in December 2008.
Dr Kate Jones, MBChB MRCGP(University of Liverpool 2011)
Dr Jones completed foundation years in Macclesfield DGH before coming to the Wirral for GP training including time working in Clatterbridge Cancer Centre, Psychiatry and Arrowe Park in the Women’s and Children’s Departments. Having worked as a registrar for Victoria Park Practice she has then continued as a salaried GP for St Catherine's Surgery.
Dr Ian Taylor, MBBS (Newcastle 2009) MRCGP
Dr Taylor graduated from Newcastle and initially trained in anaesthetics including 2 years working in New Zealand before deciding to become a GP. He completed his GP training in Wirral including posts in paediatrics and ENT at Arrowe Park Hospital. Dr Taylor has worked at GP practices in Moreton and West Kirby before joining St Catherines Surgery as a salaried GP. He has an interest in musculoskeletal problems, joint injections and all aspects of men's health.
Dr Jessica Hookham, MBChB MRCGP BMedSci hons
Dr Hookham graduated from the University of Sheffield in 2016 in medicine and biomedical sciences. She moved to the Wirral for her GP training and undertook rotations in General Practice, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Child and Adolescent Mental Health, and Elderly Medicine. Her final rotation was at St Catherine's surgery, and when she qualified in 2022 she opted to stay at the practice as a Salaried GP.
Dr Wood, MBChB (Manchester 2011), MRCGP (2021)
Dr Wood trained in Manchester before moving back to the Wirral, working in Palliative Care and Emergency Medicine before completing his training as a GP. He also works in 'Out Of Hours / Urgent Care as well as Hyperbaric medicine (assessing and treating SCUBA divers and a few other conditions).