St Catherine's Surgery

First + Second Floor, Wing 4, St Catherine's Health Centre, Church Road, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH42 0LQ

Telephone: 0151 643 6700

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Your local pharmacy or chemist can provide you with expert advice for free.

Many pharmacies even have private consultation rooms and are open in the evenings and weekends. Check with your local pharmacy for their opening hours.

Pharmacists can advise on how to treat the following:

skin conditions, such as mild acne and mild eczema

coughs and colds, including nasal congestion and sore throat

minor cuts and bruises

constipation and haemorrhoids (piles)

hay fever and allergies

aches and pains, such as headaches, earache and back pain

indigestion, diarrhoea and threadworms

period pain and thrush

warts and verrucas, mouth ulcers and cold sores

athlete’s foot

nappy rash and teething


If your problem is more serious and needs the attention of a GP, your pharmacist will recognise this and advise you to see your GP instead.


Find your local pharmacy here

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